The Victorias Secret Angels

The Victorias Secret Fashion Show is extremely popular and brings in hundreds and thousands to view annually. Showing off sexy models and their expensive lingerie while having Taylor Swift perform live. This year the fashion show took place on Tuesday December 10th, and really went out with a bang. This fashion show is one of the most famous and glorious fashion shows that airs on tv, and has people talking about it all year, even when it’s not being aired.


The “angels” that prance around stage sure do have quite the body type. Long, skinny, tan, flawless, and somehow they still have boobs. It’s considered beautiful, once again. I never watch the fashion show, because I would rather not hate my body for the rest of my life, comparing mine to theirs. The girls show off their sexy lingerie, and even a 10 million dollar bra. I mean, is that really necessary? I guess so. My opinion on this isn’t that I wish I looked like them, but more on the idea that there are many models out there, that actually show the realistic body types across the United States. All these women represented here are stunning and draw so much attention, but then how do we all feel? My social media feeds are filled with “I hate myself now.” “I’ll never eat again.” “Hitting the gym tomorrow.” “Soooo… are they robotic?” I would say they are. These women are unrealistic, and give unrealistic hopes to women and men, and what men are now looking for in women. Sure, have fun and stare at these flawless barbies all night, but remember that if you want an angel, it’s going to be quite the struggle trying to find one. The majority of women that watch this never feel like they can relate to these angels, and only have their confidence lowered and have mens expectations skyrocket. I thought they were suppose to be advertising lingerie? No? Oh. Yeah it didn’t seem like that. Almost like a clean strip show. There may be 20 robotic angels, but there are also billions of real people. But somehow, the angels are admired.

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