American Apparel doesn’t represent apparel.

American Apparel is an extremely well known and “hipster” store that is really directed to teens and college students. Their advertisement strategies are aimed toward more mature adults, and sometime can turn very sexy very quickly. They try to promote their clothing like any other clothing company, with what you wear, draws in the opposite sex.  Finding a few American Apparel ads, I’ve truly noticed a trend.




The trend of this sexy advertisement and their strategy to draw attention truly does capture our eye without even realizing it. Personally, American Apparel is a fun, trendy, and slightly over priced clothing store that draws in many college students. Their clothing is good quality, exotic, but can be casual and classy at the same time. A strange thing thought that has brought my attention to them more than the clothes they carry, but these advertisements. Apparently, if you’re a man in a AA bow tie, those legs just open wide. And if your wear their expensive leggings, you instantly turn sexy. It’s a very mature audience they’re trying to promote, because anybody below the age of possibly 16 would think the advertisements are “icky”. Once again, women are the object, and it is clearly stated in 99% of their advertisements. I personally haven’t seen many commercials, but more magazine ads, and even ads alongside of googling. While living in an awesome college town, we have a local American Apparel, that I constantly see stocked with college and high school students. The media and American Apparel’s strategy for showing off their clothing surly doesn’t make me want to shop there, but can absolutely make the men want to.  I can’t tell if they’re advertising their clothes, or advertising sex. Someone fill me in.


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